Our Misson

  • Promoting Inclusion and Equality
  • Education & Training
  • employment support
  • Freely Sharing Ideas and Power
  • Respect and Dignity
  • To Improve Mental Health and Well-being

Well done, ladies! You are all mastering hairdressing quickly, showing remarkable progress with each session, building confidence, learning fast, and performing exceptionally well.

Join our wellness dance and yoga sessions every Monday from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Tempo Community, led by an experienced instructor. Take care of your body and mind!

NEC hairdressing training commenced today with the goal of empowering women by equipping them with new skills in hairdressing. This program is designed to provide comprehensive education and hands-on experience, enabling participants to gain valuable expertise in the industry, boosting their confidence and opening up new career opportunities.

NotAlone Empowerment Centre recently launched a hairdressing training program for the ethnic minority community, which began on the 23rd of August with an informative session about the project. The initiative aims to equip participants with valuable hairdressing skills to alleviate poverty, reduce crisis-related costs, and foster stronger community bonds. We are grateful to the National Lottery for their generous support in making this project possible.


Hairdressing training for women empowers them to support their families, gain essential job skills, and uplift low-income communities facing financial hardship.

NEC family trip to Flip Out Glasgow,  Flip Out has something for everyone with different activities for both children and Adults. 

NEC monthly information session and support with NHS giving information for women on Maternity. 

NHS Peer Support Staff, this session was a follow-up to the engagement carried out with the NEC group in November last year.

Participants felt the follow-up engagement was a sign that their views were taken into consideration, and hoped the maternity pathway for women from the BAME community would be properly improved to encourage people from the community to engage effectively with the service.

3rd group family summer trip to Glasgow Science centre.

The second group's family summer visit to the Glasgow Science Centre was amazing. Today's nice weather added to the fun as the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Our family summer trip to M&S Scotland Theme Park bring joy and excitement, brought smiles and a sense of belongingg cherished memories. Such experiences are vital, fostering inclusivity and broadening horizons. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the generous funder CORRA foundation for making this adventure possible, and for their commitment to enriching the lives of those often overlooked.looked. 

Our first group summer visit to Glasgow Science Centre on the 5th of July, the children and parents was so happy and enjoying their day with delicious lunch. Two more group to go in on the 15th & 16th of July. 

Family summer visit to Glasgow Science Centre, book your space now!!!!

Enjoy the celebrations with happiness and peace. Warm regards and best wishes for a prosperous future

NEC Weekly Activities, we welcome you all !!!


Hairdressing training for women empowers them to support their families, gain essential job skills, and uplift low-income communities facing financial hardship. By mastering this craft, they can secure employment, build sustainable careers, and offer affordable services within their neighborhoods. We deeply appreciate our funder’s generosity NATIONAL LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND, enabling these women to transform their lives and communities through this valuable opportunity.

Every Thursday ladies swimming lesson offers confidence, physical fitness, and a sense of community. These lessons offer invaluable life skills, promote mental well-being, and foster a supportive environment. We deeply appreciate the funders GCVS and THE WEIR CHARITABLE TRUST whose generosity makes this empowering experience possible, enriching lives and inspiring positive change in our community. Thank you for your impactful contribution.

Join us every Monday for a weekly dancing and yoga exercise session designed for ladies to boost their well-being. It's a fantastic way to stay active, relieve stress, and connect with others in the community. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, all are welcome. Come and enjoy a fun, healthy start to your week!

We had an information session with JustRight Glasgow on the asylum process and the available support. Attendees could ask questions about issues affecting them. It was a great session.

Information session for Asylum seekers and Refugees with JustRight Scotland, learn about your rights, New law, application process/stages, available support etc, and get answer to your questions.


Join our dancing & Yoga exercise class every Monday to enjoying the numerous benefits, combining fitness with fun. It enhances cardiovascular health, improves flexibility and balance, and burns calories efficiently. The social aspect boosts mental well-being, reducing stress and enhancing mood. Learning new moves also keeps the brain active and engaged.

Congratulations Tuesday Group Maths class on completing eight weeks! Your dedication and hard work are truly commendable. Well done!

We sincely thank our generous funders for their invaluable support. Your contributions have made a significant impact to us. Thanks to Community Health Exchange for wellness programs and Robertson Wee grants by covering travel fares for our participants. Together, you have enriched lives and ensured accessibility for all. We deeply appreciate your commitment to our community's well-being and success. 

The Gallant project today was amazing, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participating families. Additionally, we express our gratitude to Glasgow Uni and GSC. As a tribute to NEC, the Stone Pebble seat has been adorned with the EAGLE bird from our NEC Logo. The imagery encapsulates our collaborative spirit, inclusivity, diversity, and the shared exchange of ideas and skills that led to our collective success." You will find the Stone Pebble seat outside Glasgow Science Centre.

Today Gallant project in partnership with Uni Glasgow and GSC, families learning how to make Compost Soil for planting and garden by using Coconut peel, water, and earthworms. The benefit of earthworm by their activities in the soil, offer many benefits by increased  nutrient availability, better drainage, and a more stable soil structure, improve farm productivity, etc. And each family go home with wormery box


Week 2 Maths class for the Thursday evening class. Well done ladies, you are doing great 👍

Gallant project in partnership with Glasgow University and Glasgow Science Centre. A visit and celebration of the project at the ARC building. 

NHS information session with NEC Organisation with valuable information to parents about children's dental care. This includes advice on establishing good oral hygiene habits, such as regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste, limiting sugary snacks and drinks, and scheduling routine dental check-ups to reduce the risk of dental problems in children. 

We extend sincere gratitude to our funder GCVS for enabling physical wellness activities for our community. Your support fosters resilience and community among individuals facing adversity. Through your generosity, we offer vital resources and opportunities, promoting holistic wellbeing and empowerment. Your contribution will leaves a lasting impact, providing a beacon of hope and strength in challenging times. Thanks you for your compassion and commitment.

Community Learning  Gallant Season 4. Teaching the children about Deluges of Destruction, how floods affect our community, and what can be done to protect our environment we used recent incidents and played a video of what happened in Dubai as an example and did some other activities. 

Numeracy Maths Class third group Thursday Class start today 18th of April for 8 weeks. Nice to see you all today.

Happy Eid Mubarak to NEC family and to our Community 

Community Learning Season 3 workshop. Learning Active travel, how does travel contribute to climate change? And we walk from the Science Center to Wee Forest on Govan Road for more activities.

Community Learning season 2 workshop on the 9th of April with NEC Children, Graham, and Nicola from Glasgow University. Talk about sources of energy, different types of energy, Renewable energy and Non-Renewable energy.
Children's activities for the day to building a wind turbine and a Lego land yacht.

NEC sustainable learning to educate our community to build a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society. To know the knowledge and guide action to protect people and the planet. 

NEC Easter Family Celebration on the 30th 2024


The second group Teusdsy Maths Class starts today for 8 weeks, well done ladies today's class was incredible

Monday group Maths class week three, find the measurement of shapes 2D, ladies you are doing great.

Being creative, positive, and learning New Skills, Freely sharing ideas and power, Respect, Dignity & subsidiarity.

NEC outing today, Happy International Women's Day to you all. You are wonderfully made, full of power and inspiration.

NEC meeting information season on weekly wellness and activities to improve their mental health well-being called 10,000 Steps challenges both outdoor and indoor activities. 

Well done ladies, counting on Monday's week two Maths Class for the first group, today was great.

NEC- 8 weeks Maths Numeracy Class for Adult, SCQF Level 4. Come along and improve yourself. 

Course Details: 

- Maths Level 4 SCQF 

- We provides interpreter for Non- English Speaking

- Childcare at venue

- travel with taken care of & Lunch will be provided

Well done ladies, the first group Monday week one Maths class starts today.

Well done all for coming out tonight to celebrate Family-Friendly Community Celebrate at Glasgow Science Centre tonight, it was so amazing meeting new people, having fun, face painting, food, drink, etc.

NEC family outing event at Glasgow Science Centre, children enjoyed all the activities, learned how to build Yart, game, movie, and the gift. Children can't stop talking about the educative movie how people devoted their lives to rescuing animals and giving them a second chance to live and how the movie taught them to be kind to animals.

The family event this Saturday @ Science Center with a lot of fun activities for the Children.

NEC family welcome-back event to start the year, text to book your family space and a single person is also welcome to join us.

8 weeks of adult maths numeracy class starts end of February.

Happy Christmas to you all, may the Lord fill our home with joy and happiness. We appreciate all your participation and your support throughout this year. Thank you all, see you all by the grace of God next year, and happy new year.

Well done everyone for coming out for our last forest bathing this year, today was fabulous.

Join us on our forest bathing trip to Dumgone & Mugdock. There are a lot of benefits to connecting with nature, and nature cures. 

Second amazing forest bathing trip, healthy walk in nature with NEC. This is a magical way to explore nature and to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and help with depression, yesterday was so amazing walking with wonderful people led by 2 experts Sharon and Kemal.

 Wonderful ladies coming together to share a meal and sharing culture through food, allowed us to celebrate our similarities and differences, space for conversation & collaboration between cultures. This is our identities, is all about expression of culture, heritage and creativity.

The second group with NHS talked today with the NEC group on Maternity Antenatal, what are the barriers facing black women not going for Antenatal at an early stage? A platform to share your experience and to know what to do better to improve NHS services. 

NEC health and well-being forest bathing trip to Cashel Native Forest, BALMAHA.

First NHS talk today with NEC group on Maternity Antenatal, what are the barriers facing black women not going for Antenatal at an early stage? A platform to share your experience and to know what to do better to improve NHS services. 

NEC wellbeing day trip Organised by CCA to FLOWER FARM at DAYS of DAHILA. This is a great workshop for everyone who participates. Watch out for more workshops. We appreciate CCA for this great workshop, is amazing. 

NEC coming up event with the NHS on African women's experience using Maternity Services. 

NEC attending a Printing Workshop today at the Scottish Refugee Council with Print Clan leading sessions on printing canvas tote bags and t-shirts..


Massive thanks to all the community groups that came to yesterday's event in a discussion with Home Office, Migrant Help, and Mears concerning the housing issue affecting Asylum Seeker. SASRA in collaboration with other organizations that support Asylum Seekers NEC, MORE, and ASH. It was a good discussion and informative. 

NEC summer Wellness different activities at Glasgow Life every Tuesday morning.

Have you heard about SASHIKO? Learn new skills from the NEC Group

Family outing at Science Centre. Nice to see you all.

NEC's second workshop on the UN's Development Goals, is a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Climate Crumbs workshop today with NEC group. Growing food and cooking food is climate action.
Reduces food miles and emissions.
Reduces processing energies.
Allows for seasonal foods.
Reduces food waste.

NEC's 2nd  children's outing on the 1st of July 2023 at Glasgow Science Centre was much fun and had an IMAX view of LEMURS. Have you heard about LEMURS' history and why they only live in MADAGASCAR a single island country off the southeast coast of Africa?


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